Murata 2048lT/UT CNC punch pliers
CNC punch press pneumatic clamp is one of the important reasons that affect the accuracy of machining parts.
1: after long-term use of pneumatic clamp pliers body and the left and right arm, the clamp force around after yaw control within 0.05mm.
2: when the clamp force in the fore-and-aft direction after there is a big swing, at this time should be to reduce the gap by repair type T axis, the deflection should be controlled within 0.03-0.05mm.
The 3: CNC punch press pneumatic clamp with floating principle design, when the gap around the upper clamp body should be adjusted to, floating.
4: if the clamp plate is loose, it should be tightly fixed tooth plate connecting screws. If CNC punch press pneumatic clamp tooth tooth plate surface smooth, should replace the tooth plate.
冲切能力 200KN(20T)
冲床转速 900SPM
滑枕行程 3.3mm (UT)37mm (UT-T)
转塔间隙 25mm
板材尺寸(X*Y) 1250*2500
最大加工板厚 3.2mm(毛刷工作台规格)6.35mm(钢球工作台规格)
最大加工物重量 75Kg 150Kg
工作台行程 2550*1360mm
工作台移动速度(X*Y) 100*75m/min
工作台高度 980mm
弯喉深度 1340mm(UT)1322mm(UT-T)
转塔直径 1160mm
转塔工位数 44,54,56 (M2044UT/2048UT)
转塔转回速度 33rpm
滑枕伺服电机 30kw
定位工具 金型尺寸 回转速度 指令方式 最大直径88.9(M-2048UT-100rpm 绝对坐标方式
电气设备容量 22kva
供气容量 压力 流量 0.5MPa(5.0kgfcm2) 0.1m3/min
冲床重量 12T
占用面积(X*Y) 5150*4750mm
机架高度 2145mm